OMMRI runs a dedicated cetacean sightings reporting group using the Telegram app. The group is primarily for us to gather sightings reports from around the county, but also offers you the opportunity to see cetacean sightings in real-time which maximises your opportunity to see cetaceans around Orkney.

If you would like to join our Sightings Group, please read the instructions below.

How to Join

The OMMRI Cetacean Sightings Reporting Group is for sightings reports only. Any chatter or irrelevant posts will be deleted by the Admin team. When you are reporting a sighting, please include as much information as possible including:

  • What you are watching (species if possible, but as much information as possible if you are not sure), • what you are watching (species if possible, but as much information as possible if you are not sure)
  • Where you are watching it (please be aware that there are often multiple locations with the same name around the isles so please include which island you are on)
  • Which way it is heading (or milling about)
  • How many are there (minimum number seen)

We do ask for all cetaceans to be reported, not just killer whales and if you are able to include a pin on a map for the location of your sighting, that would be fab.

Please do adhere to the OMMRI Telegram Group 10 Commandments at all times. With such a large group it is easy for messages to get lost and sightings reports missed otherwise.

We do ask all members to adhere to the Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code and please familiarise yourself with this here:

The group is for sightings reports only please – no chat!

You can use the link below to join our Telegram sightings group.

Eyes to the Seas and Happy spotting!

The OMMRI Team

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