Orkney marine mammal research initiative

Porpoising common dolphin (delphinus delphis)

Working to protect marine mammals through research and education

Launched officially on July 20th 2020, Orkney Marine Mammal Research Initiative (OMMRI) aims to bridge the gap between existing conservation groups and what’s happening in Orkney, contributing data and collaborating on larger projects creating a better understanding of the different species in Orkney waters and ultimately helping to protect them for future generations to enjoy. We work with our local Orkney community to ensure marine mammals are valued and given the protection they deserve whilst in Orkney waters.

As a locally based grassroots organisation, we undertake research and collate data relating to marine mammals within Orkney, in partnership with Orkney residents and national organisations, to encourage a culture of stewardship that utilises an evidence based approach to protect Orkney’s marine mammals.

Marine mammals are present year-round in Orkney waters. Despite this and a public appetite to know more about the marine life in our seas, little is known about residency patterns and abundance levels of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and pinnipeds and the impact of localised anthropogenic (caused by human activity) pressures on these.

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Longhope Harbour Porpoise Project

Heard about our harbour porpoise project and want to know more? Check out our project page.

Harbour porpoise in Longhope Bay, Hoy